Monday, December 25, 2006

Pushed me to far!

what bussiness did you have
pushing words out of my mouth
making up stories just to bother me
then not liking my reply
what was inside was to be kept inside
not to come outside and scar
you made it hard for me to hide
you made me go so far
until this day I was trying hard
to do my job as a friend
I mean with limits that we had
then today you pushed it to end
you and I were less than a friendship
Just people who talk to each other
they talk sometimes and know some details
but they don't understand one another
you know I was planing to keep it that way
then be by your side if you need me one day
but now thats not happening after what's been said
I can't take back what I actually meant
you should have never pushed me to get my feelings out
but to be fair you were trying to hurt me THAT i don't even doubt!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I Love you because...

I love you because you are you
I love you because you care
I love you because how you make me feel

and because you treat me fair
I love you because you love me
though you see our different sides
I love you because you treat me right
and my flaws you dont despise
I love you because when you want me to change
it is for my own good

and I love you because you are so pure
not just because I could
although we fight alot and shout
I know you love me that I don't doubt
You really mean alot to me
and together always I hope we'll be
Yes I do know that our differences are big
and that it will be hard thats a sure thing
but we won't force eachother to change
we'll just accept it and we will not rage
we will try to find our common ground
and with a strong will I'm sure it will be found
a moderate solution to our critical quarels
will make us more happy but we have to settle
I see your good side since I can't make you change
do the same thing for me I know I can be strange!
If we just accept it and if we understand
we will live happily I do know that!
and if I have no reasons to be in love with you
I would still Love you I know that is true!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Relationships have tricks!.. WRITTEN(22/2/2006)

You fall in love
You get together
You think that's it
that now you're better
You think your job in that is done
that you have really found the one
but problems must find you
they come on their own
and you always think it's the end of the world
You keep on wondering what you should do
and then start to think that they'll never be through
but they come and go
they're a part of your life
that's something I know
and for the husband and wife

they only get bigger and harder to fix
but then you're older you know
RELATIONSHIPS have tricks!

Faaaaaaaallinggg in LOVEE... WRITTEN(15/12/2005)

How can you miss someone
who's always at the back of your mind
how can you be addicted
to talking on the phone at night
how can you feel so wrong

when everything's almost right
how can you be so ready to cry
though there has been no fight

my comfort depends on your call
my happiness becomes so true
I think my heart is set to fall
DEEPLY in LOVE with youuu!!!

I can't believe that it's been a year.. WRITTEN (5/12/2005)

In my life I tell you I've been through much
I've been put in places that were really rough
non of those experiences taught me about life
as much as that last one touched me inside
ofcourse since my childhood I've chaged alot
I refied and managed some flaws that I've got
but seriously I can't believe that in that last year
I totally changed I'm not even me
the person that was me is no longer here
some memories are left the bases are clear
but seriously I'm practically a whole different me
I'm changed but I dont know to which of the extremes
maybe its good for me maybe its bad
I'm more open minded I do know that
but is it for better or is it for worse
am I blessed or under a blinding curse
but all in all I'm amazed in fear
I'm ASTONISHED believe me I'm being sincere
I can hardly believe that it's been a year!!!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

If I should count on you!

If I should count on you...
a thought worth redeeming
if you are who I think you are
If I should trust my feelings
I want to believe that I should
what would you do if I would?
would you hurt me or break my heart
like people before you did
will you stop loving me one day
then say you couldn't commit
well I don't know what I should do
when people don't seem like they are
I mean giving my whole heart to you
or will you eventualy make me cry...
so thats why it's all I am asking myself
If I should count on you
you are like a dream i hope what you seem
is what is really true!

You won't look back..WRITTEN( 19/6/2006)

You won't look back at what we had
You're just too proud to see
You are too blinded by your mind
You can't let your heart be
You seem to be moving forward
but infact you're moving back
You think you know it all
but you're not at all on track
I know that you won't miss me
I'm on your mind no more
and if you one day call me
you don't want it like before
when I was yours you moved along
and climbed alot of steps
you learned alot about yourself
god's light you did accept
now that I'm gone you think you're free
just coz there is no me
but no just listen coz i'll say what you clearly don't see

all the hills that you have climbed
all the bumps you passed in roads

it's like you found a button to rewind
and make you unaccomplish your goals
move forward in your view as long as you think you're free
but infact you are not free at all, but I hope you'll be happy!