Monday, December 25, 2006

Pushed me to far!

what bussiness did you have
pushing words out of my mouth
making up stories just to bother me
then not liking my reply
what was inside was to be kept inside
not to come outside and scar
you made it hard for me to hide
you made me go so far
until this day I was trying hard
to do my job as a friend
I mean with limits that we had
then today you pushed it to end
you and I were less than a friendship
Just people who talk to each other
they talk sometimes and know some details
but they don't understand one another
you know I was planing to keep it that way
then be by your side if you need me one day
but now thats not happening after what's been said
I can't take back what I actually meant
you should have never pushed me to get my feelings out
but to be fair you were trying to hurt me THAT i don't even doubt!!!